Launch of Galaxy Healthcare Booths

Manufacturing ‘specials’ is a daily thing for us at the Frem Group. Some products eventually become part of our product portfolio and some remain a one-off.
After continual demand as a special, we are pleased to launch Galaxy Healthcare Booths into our standard product range.
Suitable for testing, vaccinations, screening and privacy, these booths are being requested by companies who are looking at the last 12months and deciding to bring proactive healthcare into their organisation. In the grand scheme of things companies who offered the flu jab to their workforce were few and far between. Understanding the effect that a virus can have on their workforce and therefore their organisation has prompted many to purchase booths fit for this purpose. We still do not know if we will need an annual vaccine, but companies are gearing up to support their workforce by having facilities available.
If you want to find out more about these Galaxy Healthcare Booths, please call or use the weblink:
Tel: 01604 756567